Party photography, for me, means always remembering that it is a great privilege to be at that event or party; being let in on the lives of clients at monumental times in their family history puts a great deal of trust in my ability to deliver quality professional photographic images at every event. Clients have an expectation from suppliers like me to provide them with great results. And that is why I never forget that – because to do so would be to break that trust.

The worry most clients have with party photography is that the images of them, in unguarded moments, will make them look foolish. I always make sure that the images I supply show the client, their friends, family and colleagues in the very best light. For example, I rarely show people eating because people just don’t look their best at times like that (some weddings we may make an exception if it’s a desired shot, but even then I ‘manage’ the scene to ensure it looks good).  I also weed out party photography shots that I know, with the 30 plus years experience I have, won’t be wanted – the unintentional photobomb is usually the culprit. As well as this, I place the selected images into a secure gallery, so clients pick or discard any images they wouldn’t want to share with anyone else.

I understand totally, that clients want to be themselves at their private events; losing themselves in the hospitality and enjoyment of mixing with their friends and family. Bresserphotos lets them have this peace of mind so they can relive those precious moments again while viewing their images.

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